
News The German Internet and DE-NIC: How It All Began in Dortmund

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News "Jugend hackt" Hackathon 2024: DENIC Sponsors the Federal Program in its Home Region as Usual

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News 10 October 2018100,000 DNSSEC domains registered under .de!

On 10 October 2018, the 100,00th .de domain with DNSSEC key material was stored with DENIC.

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News 28 August 2018DENIC and CISPA Conclude Scientific Research Agreement

Combining research and practice in the DNS environment– that is the aim of the cooperation between CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security (in foundation) and the DENIC Cooperative.

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News 15 August 2018ID4me: A New Single Sign-On Standard for Web Applications Enabling Fully User-Controlled Data Sovereignty

The ID4me initiative, co-founded by DENIC, which is in the process of establishing an open, federated protocol for digital identity management on the Internet, gains momentum.

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News 11 May 2018DENIC To Demerge Non-Member Business Areas From Parent Operations

DNS Anycast Services, Data Escrow Services and Direct Services to be pooled in new affiliate company

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News 15 February 2018Second Term of Office as Chair of CENTR Board of Directors for DENIC's CEO Dr. Jörg Schweiger

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