26 March 2007: DENIC eG and Sabine Dolderer Terminate Cooperation
Sabine Dolderer, member of the Executive Board of DENIC eG, and DENIC’s Supervisory Board have reached an amicable agreement to terminate their work with one another with immediate effect. The background to this step lies in differing views as to how DENIC ought to continue to develop in future. The…
25 January 2007: DENIC's ENUM Day on 27 February 2007
The eighth ENUM Day of DENIC takes place on 27 February 2007 at the Conference Center of IG Metall, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 79, Frankfurt/Main. The conference starts at 10 am and ends at about 5pm.
The agenda is published on our ENUM pages.
31 October 2006: New DENIC Price List as of 1 January 2007
As of 1 January 2007, the German Mehrwertsteuer (V.A.T) will be raised from 16 to 19 percent. However, DENIC will not be raising the DENICdirect gross price per domain. In the course of this necessary change, we will also be simplifying our pricing. The current discount levels will no longer be…