


Displaying results 1 to 2 of 2.

30 Years of .de Domains – Anniversary Year 2016

30 Years of .de Domains – Anniversary Year 2016 On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of .de in 2016, DENIC presented a different .de domain each day for one week and thus gave us an idea of the wide [...] present on the Internet. Live and work, social and creative performance, education and entertainment – Domains give a digital profile to the most varied areas of life. Discover here examples of .de Internet presence [...] of Winter Birds" of the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.). With their joint effort they create the basis for tracking the evolution of the bird population...


ENUM Domains DENIC's ENUM Days DENIC organised ten public ENUM Days as a platform for the German ENUM community. You find the related agendas and presentations below. 10th ENUM Day on 18 April 2008 Pr [...] Fraunhofer FOKUS) ENUM for Number Portability at IPX from the GSMA (Rainer Bäder, Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland) Minutes Minutes of the 10th ENUM Day 9th ENUM Day on 3 September 2007 Presentations ENUM VoIP [...] Validation Architecture (Bernhard Höneisen, SWITCH) ENUM in der Praxis (Jörn Dost, Outbox AG) ENUM-Domains bei Portunity (Björn Rücker, Portunity GmbH) Erweiterung des Geschäftsfeldes durch ENUM (Ulrich Keil...