Domain Numbers: Eastern Federal States Still Lagging Way Behind
Unterschiede zwischen Ost und West – Die meisten Domains sind für Privatpersonen registriert Auch im Jahr 2003 waren im Osten Deutschlands deutlich weniger .de-Domains registriert als in den alten Bundesländern [...] leben Inhaber von Domains mit der deutschen Endung. Die Zahl der Domains für Nutzer aus dem Ausland macht mit etwa 47.000 Eintragungen aber nur einen geringen Bruchteil aller .de-Domains aus. Fast zwei Drittel [...] auch Daten über die Anzahl der Domains bezogen auf die Einwohnerzahl vor, genauso wie Karten zur absoluten und relativen Verteilung der Domains:
Board of Directors with new Structure
The administration of German Internet domain addresses remains the most important responsibility of DENIC eG. This was the consensus among the representatives of the German Internet Service Providers, [...] computers to Frankfurt the formation of a competent service center for the administration of German domain addresses will be finalized. The staffing of the supervisory board and the board of directors also [...] net) and Carsten Schiefner (TCP/IP GmbH) for the board of directors, and Stephan Deutsch (UUNET Deutschland), Angela Wilson ( tr@nsnet Internet Services GmbH) and Elmar Knipp (Knipp Medien und Kommunikation...
One million German Internet addresses
about 100,000 new domains are registered every month. The domain names of the form uniquely identify a German Internet user or offering, where .de is the abbreviation for Deutschland (Germany). The [...] The number of German Internet addresses (domains) has crossed the one million mark. Early Tuesday morning saw the registration of the one millionth domain at DENIC eG Frankfurt, which is the organisation [...] organisation responsible for administrating the domains with country code .de. The owner of domain #1000000 is Hasenkopf Maschinenbau GmbH Schwarzenfeld, a city located in the Oberpfalz region of Germany. The ...
30 Years of .de Domains – Anniversary Year 2016
30 Years of .de Domains – Anniversary Year 2016 On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of .de in 2016, DENIC presented a different .de domain each day for one week and thus gave us an idea of the wide [...] present on the Internet. Live and work, social and creative performance, education and entertainment – Domains give a digital profile to the most varied areas of life. Discover here examples of .de Internet presence [...] of Winter Birds" of the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.). With their joint effort they create the basis for tracking the evolution of the bird population...
The Internet, a driving force: The operating system of society
million domains under the Top Level Domain .de and thus provides a crucial resource for users of the Internet. It sees its role as that of a competent, impartial provider of services for all domain holders [...] automatic electronic registration system for its members, runs the domain database for the Top Level Domain .de and the German ENUM domain (, manages the name server services for the .de zone [...] topics and trends in the field of Internet and domains in the German-speaking territory an established meeting of the industry. The two-day expert congress “Domain pulse” is staged annually in turns by the...
ENUM Domains DENIC's ENUM Days DENIC organised ten public ENUM Days as a platform for the German ENUM community. You find the related agendas and presentations below. 10th ENUM Day on 18 April 2008 Pr [...] Fraunhofer FOKUS) ENUM for Number Portability at IPX from the GSMA (Rainer Bäder, Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland) Minutes Minutes of the 10th ENUM Day 9th ENUM Day on 3 September 2007 Presentations ENUM VoIP [...] Validation Architecture (Bernhard Höneisen, SWITCH) ENUM in der Praxis (Jörn Dost, Outbox AG) ENUM-Domains bei Portunity (Björn Rücker, Portunity GmbH) Erweiterung des Geschäftsfeldes durch ENUM (Ulrich Keil...
DENIC - the Cooperative behind .de - Turns 25!
more than 17 million domains under management, .de has long been one of the international top 3, together with .com and the Chinese domain ending .cn, of the today more than 1,900 domain endings. And DENIC [...] unique among the domain registries. Due to the concerted effort and commitment of the DENIC member companies and the DENIC staff, .de has developed into one of the most successful domain endings worldwide [...] Internet in Germany and A Guarantor of Digital Participation DENIC is the central registry for all domains under the Internet ending .de. Organised as a private not-for profit cooperative, it has administered...