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ENUM Domains DENIC's ENUM Days DENIC organised ten public ENUM Days as a platform for the German ENUM community. You find the related agendas and presentations below. 10th ENUM Day on 18 April 2008 Pr [...] Fraunhofer FOKUS) ENUM for Number Portability at IPX from the GSMA (Rainer Bäder, Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland) Minutes Minutes of the 10th ENUM Day 9th ENUM Day on 3 September 2007 Presentations ENUM VoIP [...] Validation Architecture (Bernhard Höneisen, SWITCH) ENUM in der Praxis (Jörn Dost, Outbox AG) ENUM-Domains bei Portunity (Björn Rücker, Portunity GmbH) Erweiterung des Geschäftsfeldes durch ENUM (Ulrich Keil...