Ascension Day - Office Hours

Due to the public holiday Ascension Day, 09 May 2024, the DENIC head office in Frankfurt is closed.

On Friday, 10 May 2024, we are available again during regular business hours.


ENUM Domains


Background Information:

We must be sure that an ENUM domain can only be registered by the person who is actually authorised to use it. For this reason, every DENIC member is obliged to check this authorisation before accepting any request for registration, renewal or provider transfer.

DENIC members can apply their own methods for validation or make use of a validation service provider. In either case, DENIC members must make sure that they are in possession of a positive validation for each ENUM domain. The validation must not be older than twelve months. If required, the member must submit the validation information to DENIC.

To ensure a high degree of data integrity, contracts for registration of an ENUM domain are not unlimited, but are always made for one year. In case of positive revalidation, a contract may be extended for a further twelve months.