.de Domains in German Federal States

*) Source: GFK GeoMarketing


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Regional Level 2022: Growth in the West of Germany Slightly Exceeds Increase in the East

The ranking on the federal-state level for the number of domains related to inhabitants also was consistent in 2022. The state of Hamburg – comprising the city of Hamburg and its wider outskirts – with 331 domains per 1,000 inhabitants maintained its uncontested leading position and stayed far ahead of Berlin (273) and the state of Bavaria with its vast lands (208). Even though they also recorded an increase in domain numbers, the states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (110), Thuringia (108) and Saxony-Anhalt (86) once again brought up the rear. The overall national growth rate related to the number of domains amounted to 0.8 percent on the previous year (1.4%). Looking at the complete German territory, a total of nine federal states scored values above the mean value, with Bremen (4.4%), Hamburg (2.3%) and Lower Saxony (2.0%) in the lead. Except for Berlin (-0.6%) and Bavaria (-0.4%), all German federal states scored an increase in 2022. The percentage growth of Brandenburg (0,2%), Thuringia (0.3%), Hesse (0,6 %), Saxony-Anhalt (0.7%) und Schleswig-Holstein (0.7%), however, was below the federal average.