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Sponsoring Activities

Events Sponsored or Hosted by DENIC

We actively support information exchange panels that are designed to bring together the various stakeholder groups to jointly contribute to shaping the Internet of the future – both on the technical and on the organisational-political level.

Agile Work Methodologies

DENIC relies on agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban. To support the advancement and propagation of such dynamic working methods, we are sponsoring selected specialist conferences of the agile community.

Projects Sponsored by DENIC

We are committed to a high-performance Internet. To enhance the Internet's efficiency, we sponsor dedicated projects like the K-root server mirror, which is operated in Frankfurt am Main together with DE-CIX.

We provide the technical access to the network. The host in Frankfurt is the first root server located directly in Germany. It is part of our contribution to enhancing Internet stability and to reducing response times for Internet users in Germany.