Press Releases

Press Release New Beginning For Internet Governance In Germany With Foundation of IGF-D Association

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Press Release DENIC Domain Map 2023

The Regional Distribution of .de Domains in Germany - Interactive Domain Maps and Dynamic Tables

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All Press Releases

Press Release 29 November 2018Prize for Excellence: DENIC Wins eco Award 2018

Cologne, 28 November 2018: The Association of the Internet Industry eco eV honours the Data Escrow Service of the Registry for .de Domains. The prize-winning DENIC service offers an unprecedented backup option for domain data in Europe.

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Press Release 19 October 2018DENIC Subsidiary to Launch Operations in November

DNS Anycast Services, Data Escrow Services and DENICdirect Newly Grouped in DENIC Services GmbH & Co. KG

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Press Release 27 June 2018Hamburg Selected Venue for ICANN Annual General Meeting in Fall 2020

DENIC, eco - Association of the Internet Industry and the City of Hamburg to host the international congress attended by the tech community, politics, industry, and civil society, taking decisions on the core functions of the Internet.

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Press Release 24 May 2018DENIC Putting Extensive Changes into Force for .DE Whois Lookup Service by 25 May 2018

Pursuant to the European General Data Protection Regulation, DENIC profoundly restricts data output via its Whois lookup service by 25 May 2018. Information on domain holders will only be provided if specific conditions are met.

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Press Release 16 May 2018DENIC Becomes ICANN-Designated Agent for Registrar Data Escrow Services After Winning Global Tender

Since 14 May 2018, DENIC is Designated Escrow Agent for ICANN-accredited registrars, this way being the sole provider worldwide to offer registration data escrow on a cost-neutral basis, in compliance with European law.

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