
News POLICY EXPLAINED | Settling Debts in the Event of Insolvency

Why the Value of Domains Should Not Be Neglected

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News Day 2 Domain pulse 2025

Second day of conference focuses on artificial intelligence, digital consumers and ends with a farewell

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News 20 August 2005DENIC registers Nine-Millionth .de domain

On 20 August DENIC received the request to register the nine millionth .de domain. The number of Internet addresses registered under the German Top Level Domain has thus continued to grow. Roughly a million .de domains are added every year. The country code ending .de remains the world’s second…

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News 1 August 2005New tool to check nameserver configurations

To check your nameservers DENIC provides the tool ZoneCheck. ZoneCheck is a tool to check zones and nameserver configurations. It can verify if the nameserver for a domain was set up correctly and if the zone complies with the current DENIC domain guidelines. It can check domains, which are…

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News 22 July 20052004 Regional Statistics of .de Domains Now Available

[Bitte in "english" übersetzen:] Wie in den Vorjahren, hat die DENIC auch zum Jahresende 2004 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Köln eine Statistik zur regionalen Verteilung der .de-Domains erstellt. Sie ist jetzt im Bereich Statistik verfügbar.

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News 20 April 2005New Fields in whois: Organisation and SIP

[Bitte in "english" übersetzen:] Die DENIC hat ihren whois-Service erweitert. Es wurden dazu zwei neue Felder definiert und zwar „Organisation“ und „SIP“. In das Feld Organisation können bei Personen- oder Rolekontakten (also z. B. beim administrativen Ansprechpartner) Angaben über die Firma oder…

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News 30 March 2005Disappointment at DENIC over Poor Rating in .net Procedure

On 28 March the international Internet organization, ICANN, announced the rankings achieved by the applications it had received to take over administration of the Top Level Domain .net. The application from the German registry, DENIC, finished in fourth place. This decision, which is based on an…

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