26 January 2006: DENIC Launches Productive Phase of ENUM
New Communication Technology Promises "A Single Number for all Services"
DENIC has switched the administration of ENUM domains over to regular operation. Following a success-ful trial phase, in which around sixty companies and numerous other interested parties were involved, and a positive…
Until now, the service ZoneCheck ( was only available in english. Starting 10 January 2006 it is also available in german.
You can reach the german version through the corresponding links on our german webpages, the english version through the links on our english pages.…
26 October 2005: DENIC mourns the Passing of Siegfried Langenbach, former Chairman of its Supervisory Board
DENIC was deeply saddened to hear of the sudden, unexpected death on 27 September 2005 of Siegfried Langenbach at the age of sixty. Nearly all of DENIC's members vividly remember Siegfried Langenbach as a very active and long-standing member. He never wavered in his commitment to DENIC and followed…
28 September 2005: 5th ENUM Day: DENIC Getting Ready for Start of Regular Operation of ENUM
[Bitte in "english" übersetzen:] Nach einer mehrjährigen Testphase soll ENUM zum Ende des Jahres in den Wirkbetrieb übergehen. So sehen es die Planungen der DENIC eG vor, die am 28. September 2005 auf dem 5. ENUM-Tag vorgestellt wurden. ENUM ist eine neue Technologie, die eine Brücke zwischen…