
News POLICY EXPLAINED | Settling Debts in the Event of Insolvency

Why the Value of Domains Should Not Be Neglected

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News Day 2 Domain pulse 2025

Second day of conference focuses on artificial intelligence, digital consumers and ends with a farewell

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News 31 October 2006New DENIC Price List as of 1 January 2007

As of 1 January 2007, the German Mehrwertsteuer (V.A.T) will be raised from 16 to 19 percent. However, DENIC will not be raising the DENICdirect gross price per domain. In the course of this necessary change, we will also be simplifying our pricing. The current discount levels will no longer be…

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News 18 August 2006DENIC's ENUM Day on 26 September 2006

[Bitte in "english" übersetzen:] Am 26. September 2006 findet in Frankfurt der 7. ENUM-Tag der DENIC statt. Ein Schwerpunkt wird das Thema Infrastructure-ENUM sein. Als Veranstaltungsort haben wir wieder das Hotel "Le Meridien", Wiesenhüttenplatz 28-38 in 60329 Frankfurt am Main ausgewählt. Der…

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News 27 June 200610 million .de domains

On Monday, 26 June 2006, DENIC processed the ten millionth application for a .de domain. This makes .de the second Top Level Domain, after .com, to pass the hurdle of ten million registered domains. The holder of the jubilee domain,, is a manufacturer of transport cases…

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News 26 May 2006DENIC and ICANN Establish Formal Basis for Their Cooperation

The German domain name registry DENIC and ICANN, the international Internet coordination organisation, have described their respective responsibilities in an exchange of letters and, with that, created a basis for a more formal co-operation. These letters acknowledge the responsibility of DENIC for…

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News 26 May 2006DENIC and ICANN Establish Formal Basis for Their Cooperation

The German domain name registry DENIC and ICANN, the international Internet coordination organisation, have described their respective responsibilities in an exchange of letters and, with that, created a basis for a more formal co-operation. These letters acknowledge the responsibility of DENIC for…

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