News | 26.03.2013

Invitation to an active dialogue about open standards caught between society, economy and politics on 17 April 2013 in Berlin, Germany

Invitation to an active dialogue about open standards caught between society, economy and politics on 17 April 2013 in Berlin, Germany

An information meeting for the interested public in preparation of the IETF87 conference in Berlin, organized by the Internet Society (ISOC.DE)


From 28 July until 2 August 2013, an international conference of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) will be held in Germany for the first time since 1997. Being an international body under the umbrella of the Internet Society (ISOC), the IETF is responsible for the standardization of the protocols used on the Internet.

Under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), the German Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC.DE) takes the opportunity of the IETF conference to explicate the structure and leverage as well as the importance of the work of IETF and other international organizations of the Internet ecosystem to a broader public in Germany in the run-up to the conference already, by establishing a platform of discussion which also deals with Germany’s Internet policy.

As a prelude to the conference, the German Chapter of the Internet Society will hold an information and preparation meeting in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) in Berlin on 17 April 2013 and heartily invites the interested public to attend. During this meeting it will be discussed who actually shapes the Internet and who has which power. Attendance is free. Registration is open until 12 April 2013 on the event website. Here you will also find more detailed information about the agenda and about the participating experts from the industry, the ministries and the IETF:

The principle of the open Internet community pursued by the IETF is fully in line with DENIC's perception of its role as a neutral cooperative that - like the IETF - renders its services for the benefit of the entire Internet community. In-keeping with this goal, DENIC is not only constantly involved in various working groups of the standardization organization: It will also substantially support the IETF session week in July/August 2013 in Berlin as platinum sponsor. Therefore, DENIC too heartily invites you to join in and participate in the active dialogue with interested Internet users on the ISOC event “Wer Macht das Internet?“, discussing the distribution of power on the Internet.