News | 13.05.2009

Initiative to Extend Security in the Internet

Köln, Frankfurt, Bonn, 13 May 2009

Already when entering an Internet address in a web browser, Internet users run the risk of being redirected to a fraudulent site. Improved security tools in the Domain Name System (DNS) are intended to close these security holes, which have publicized by the Kaminsky report and thus make manipulation more difficult. DENIC eG, the Association of the German Internet Economy (eco), and the Federal Agency for Security in Information Technology (BSI) have launched a joint initiative to tackle the problem. DENIC will provided a test environment for collecting and reviewing operative and technical experiences in order to assess the impact the Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC) will have on the reliability in the Internet.

The initiators invite all interested providers and users to attend the launch of the test phase on 2 July 2009 in the offices of DENIC in Frankfurt. For further information about the first meeting look at

You will find more detailed information in our press release .