News | 16.02.2010

Domain will be made available for registration on 18 February 2010

Due to a temporary injunction issued against DENIC, the domain was excluded from the release of two-character domains effected in autumn 2009. Upon DENIC's objection, this temporary injunction was now rescinded. Consequently, the central registry for all domains under the Top Level Domain .de will make the domain available for registration on 18 February 2010 at 15:00 (CET). Thus, everybody interested may register this domain in their name. DENIC points out, however, that the applicant - as always when a domain is registered - must ensure that the domain will not infringe any rights of others.
To grant equal opportunities for everybody, DENIC will apply a special procedure for the release: The Registry will accept only registration requests that are submitted by means of a special request form issued by DENIC. This form consists of one page and is available for download at Please complete this form correctly, fully and legibly, sign it and send it to DENIC.

The requests will be accepted by fax via a special fax number established for this particular purpose. The number is +49 69 24246982. The fax server is configured to receive no more than one page per fax transmission and will then automatically terminate the connection after one page. Thus, interested parties must ensure that their fax machine will not include a cover sheet for the transmission or spread the text over two pages. The above mentioned fax number will be activated 24 hours before the official launch of the registration period. Therefore, testing your fax configuration before sending the actual application will be possible.

The domain will be assigned to the applicant whose complete, correctly filled in and signed fax application is received first by DENIC after opening of the registration period at 15:00 (CET) – synchronized with the time server of DENIC ( (first come, first served). DENIC will then make the registration effective by recording the data in the domain database, and it will be possible to trace the registration via the automatic information services (whois etc.).

The successful applicant will be informed by DENIC and must state by 1. March 2010 (date of receipt of letter or fax by DENIC) the member of the DENIC Cooperative who is going to administer the domain in the future. If no such information is received by DENIC, the domain will automatically be transferred to administration by DENICdirect.

You will always find updated and further information, if any, at