DENIC tightens TRANSIT Procedure: faster and more efficient protection against unintended loss of domain

With the so-called TRANSIT procedure, DENIC has provided domain holders protection against unintended loss of their domains for 20 years. The TRANSIT procedure applies, if a domain is no longer administered by a provider and has been handed over to the direct administration of DENIC. This happens if the contractual relationship between the domain holder and the provider has been terminated. Such termination may be triggered for example by the cancellation of the website or e-mail service. However, DENIC does not know the details. The TRANSIT Service makes sure, the domain will not be deleted out of hand and therefore cannot be registered by anyone else while the TRANSIT procedure is ongoing.
Starting in November, several of the steps in the process will be combined. The domain holder can return their domain to the regular administration by a provider of their choice through a provider transfer or can delete the domain making it available for registration by a third party.
More efficient procedure starting 1 November 2020
On November 1st, DENIC will initiate a more efficient TRANSIT procedure. Thereby, the domain will go into the administration of the service DENICdirect. To this end, DENIC contacts the domain holder by post to inform them of the TRANSIT status of their domain and the necessary actions on their part. With the new TRANSIT procedure, a demand of payment for the first year of domain administration is included in this first letter, since the administration through DENICdirect is subject to charges.
Offer of accommodation still possible at no charge
The TRANSIT procedure remains free-of-charge for the domain holder, if they make use of the offer of accommodation by carrying out either a provider transfer or the deletion of their domain.
The TRANSIT procedure offers the domain holder a quick and uncomplicated way to either hand the administration of their domain back to a provider or to delete their domain if they no longer wish to use it. The online portal at offers a convenient process for both possibilities.
Further information
Details on the TRANSIT procedure