News | 14.01.2010

DENIC Invites To 2nd DNSSEC Testbed Meeting

Also in Germany, security technologies on the Internet are becoming more and more topical due to an increasing number of occurrences of data misuse in the recent past. One potential source of attack is the data path between DNS servers and resolvers. This is the result of attacks such as cache poisoning, DNS redirection and DNS spoofing.

DENIC, the central registry for domains under the Top Level Domain .de, helps to provide better protection against this hazard by a testbed, which has now entered its next phase. The testbed is used for verifying if and to which extent the protocol extension DNSSEC (Domain Name Server Security Extensions) guarantees a reliable and secure transfer.

The 2nd testbed meeting, which is going to take place in the offices of DENIC in Frankfurt am Main on 26 January 2010, will mirror the current status of the testbed environment. The event provides an opportunity for experts and interested users to be informed live and on-site about the latest developments around DNSSEC and the related source authenticity and data integrity of the Domain Name System in Germany and internationally. After a facultative introductory lecture about the basics and the importance of the DNSSEC security protocol, lecturers from Germany and other countries will present a variety of specialist papers. They will cover all aspects from first experiences with the signed .de zone, which has been active in the test environment since 5 January 2010, the status of productive operation in other TLDs up to the introduction of tools relevant to DNSSEC.

Live presentations will give additional insight into the use of DNSSEC in the practice and provide a platform for an exchange of ideas with experts. The event is designed for a broad audience including both providers and users of the German Internet. 

Press Release