News | 25.01.2005

DENIC Expands Capacity and Power of .de Name-Server Network

 DENIC, the German domain registry, has massively upgraded and expanded its global name-server network over the past few weeks. Now that the changes have been entered into the domain system's root servers and the final optimizations made, the switchover is complete and the new configuration is in regular operation. At least another five new name-server locations are to be added by the end of 2005; these are to be set up in Eastern Europe, South America, Africa, Southwest Asia and the Pacific. This marks DENIC's response to the explosive growth in demand for name-server resources that has come about as a result of the increasing use of the Internet. The number of queries that DENIC's name servers are called upon to answer now stands at 700 million per day - twice as many as only a year ago.

Read more in our Press Release.