News | 29.10.2008

Announcement: Change of whois service

Starting 15 April 2008, we will carry out step-by-step changes at the whois servers under In order to offer an improved service in future, we will equip the whois servers with a local database for status requests. This may result in a data output that does not correspond to the latest update. Whenever the information about the status of a domain is retrieved from a database that is older than 5 minutes, attention will be drawn to this fact in an additional line showing the time of the latest update.

The output will look like this:
 Status: connect
  % DB time is <JJJJ-MM-TT&gt T<HH:MM:SS&gt +02:00

The "DB time" line is output only in response to a status request and only when the database is older than five minutes.
 The responses to all other types of requests remain unchanged.