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Statistics About .de – 2014

Statistics of 2015

Top 20 Cities and Districts with the Most Domains

Ranking 2014 Domains 2013 Domains    
 1 Berlin 955,484 Berlin 913,564   
 2 Hamburg 592,192 Hamburg 598,997
 3 Munich 591,199 Munich 570,532   
 4 Cologne    348,692 Cologne    350,891    
 5 Frankfurt am Main 230,561 Frankfurt am Main 230,088         
 6 Hanover Area    226,609 Hanover Area    222,346        
 7 Osnabrück 220,397 Osnabrück 213,690
 8 Dusseldorf 207,814 Dusseldorf 200,377
 9 Stuttgart     173,761 Stuttgart     173,934       
10 Nuremberg 140,602 Nuremberg 140,498
11 Bonn 130,899 Bonn 130,819   
12 District of Munich    125,927 District of Munich    124,520
13 Rhine-Sieg District 122,491 Rhine-Sieg District 124,067 
14 Leipzig 119,152 Leipzig 121,129    
15 Essen     115,479 Essen     114,763
16 Dresden 113,243 Dresden 108,826               
17 Aachen City District 101,610 Bremen 101,453       
18 Rhine District Neuss    101,052 Rhine District Neuss    100,820
19 Bremen 100,556 Aachen City District 100,812       
20 Dortmund  97,441 Dortmund 97,307     

Excel spreadsheet with data of all cities and districts in Germany.

Domain Data According to German Federal States in 2014

Federal State Domains 2014 Domains 2013 Domain Increase 2013/2014 (%) Domains per 1,000 Population 2014  Population (per 31 Dec. 2012)
Baden-Württemberg     1,851,973 1,829,381 1.2 175 10,569,111
Bavaria    2,610,952 2.677.093 -2.5 209 12,519,571
Berlin   955,484 913,564 4.6 283 3,375,222
Brandenburg    285,705 281,701 1.4 117 2,449,511
Bremen  109,704 111,063 -1.2 168 654,774
Hamburg    592,192 598,997 -1.1 341 1,734,272
Hesse 1,188,028 1,177,783 0.9 197 6,016,481
Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 167,273 166,230 0.6 105 1,600,327
Lower Saxony 1,351,022 1,328,446 1.7 174 7,778,995
North Rhine-Westphalia     3,251,846 3,226,988 0.8 185 17,554,329
Rhineland-Palatinate 626,662 615,167 1.9 157 3,990,278
Saarland 140,426 139,402 0.7 141 994,287
Saxony 525,656 522,518 0.6 130 4,050,204
Saxony-Anhalt 182,805 182.513 0.2 81 2,259,393
Schleswig-Holstein     527,670 507,022 4.1 188 2,806,531
Thuringia   228,689 226,467 1 105 2,170,460
Germany   14,596,087 14,504,335 0.63 181 80,523,746

Place of Residence of Domain Holders from outside Germany

At the end of 2014, 1.096.960 .de domains were registered for holders domiciled outside Germany. The graph shows how they are distributed over the various countries in the world.

Domain Holder outside Germany  2014 Graph

The 10 Cities and Districts with the most Domains per Inhabitant 2014

RankingCity/District Federal State Domains 2014 Domains 2013 Domain Increase 2013-2014 Domains per 1,000 population 2014 Population (per 31 Dec. 2012) 
 1Osnabrück Lower Saxony 220,397 213,690 9.3 1.416 155,625
 2 District of Starnberg Bavaria 61,409 61,340 1.7 474 129,530   
 3District of FreisingBavaria 76,497 79,927 -3.2 460 166,286   
 4Munich Bavaria 591,199 570,532 2.9 426 1,388,308
 5Bonn North Rhine-Westphalia 130,899 130,819 5.8 422 309,869
 6District of Munich Bavaria 125,927 124,520 1.8 387 325,744    
 7Düsseldorf North Rhine-Westphalia 207,814 200,377 3.6 350 593,682
 8Hamburg Hamburg 592,192 598,997 2.4 341 1,734,272
 9Cologne North Rhine-Westphalia 348,692 350,891 -1.4 340 1,024,373   
10Frankfurt am Main Hesse     230,561 230,088 0.6 335 687,775

The 10 Cities and Districts with the highest Pro-Rata Increase in 2013-2014 Domain Numbers

RankingCity/District Federal State Domains 2014 Domains 2013 Domain Increase 2013-2014 in %      Domains per 1,000 population 2014 Population (per 31 Dec. 2012)
 1Kaiserslautern Rhineland-Palatinate 21,506 15,425 39.4 221 97,112
 2 District of Pinneberg Schleswig-Holstein 77,507 64,715 19.8 259 298,826
 3District of Lichtenfels Bavaria 9,576 8,144 17.6 143 67,109
 4Ennepe-Ruhr District North Rhine-Westphalia 65,592 56,844 15.4 202 324,223
 5District of Celle Lower Saxony 27,871 24,900 11.9 159 175,706
 6District of Roth Bavaria 23,252 21,016 10.6 189 123,168   
 7Märkisch-Oderland District Brandenburg 25,519 23,106 10.4 137 186,925
 8District of Heilbronn Baden-Württemberg 52,367 48,273 8.5 161 324,543  
 9District of Leer Lower Saxony 19,897 18,435 7.9 121 164,202
10District of Wolfenbüttel Lower Saxony 14,395 13,341 7.9 120 120,117