Ascension Day - Office Hours

Due to the public holiday Ascension Day, 09 May 2024, the DENIC head office in Frankfurt is closed.

On Friday, 10 May 2024, we are available again during regular business hours.


2020 DENIC Activity Report


The German Internet Registry in the Year of the Internet Boom and the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Core task: Smooth operation of the German country code .de – Central link between user and the Web

The importance the Internet has gained for all areas of economic and social life has become more evident than ever in the situation of the coronavirus pandemic. The time people spend on the Internet in general is increasing just as significantly as Internet traffic and domain registration numbers in order to provide new web offers.

Yet only very few people reflect on who ensures that the technical infrastructures for smooth Internet usage are stable, secure and have sufficient backup capacities.

The German Network Information Center DENIC plays an essential role as a central link between users and the Web. With its name service as a "navigation system" for the German namespace .de, DENIC has been operating a basic technical resource – and at the same time critical infrastructure – for the Internet in Germany for more than 25 years on a 24/7 basis.

Whether websites, e-mail, download portals, web shops, online banking systems or social networks: DENIC plays a decisive role in making the now nearly 16.9 million Internet offerings with the ending .de accessible for the German and international Internet community in a fast and reliable manner anytime.

Topical Facts, Data and Figures about DENIC and .de

In its 2020 Activity Report, DENIC, which is organised as a cooperative association of several hundred domain registrars and Internet Service Providers from Germany, Europe and all over the world, gives an overview of the business development and the current situation of the company and highlights technical innovations and significant events in the past financial year against the background of the economic and political framework conditions of the domain industry. The report also provides a detailed look at the project portfolio as well as planned projects and measures to ensure the long-term stability and availability of the .de namespace and to develop new, future-oriented services. It is rounded off by a comprehensive presentation of DENIC's far-reaching involvement in numerous committees and organisations at national and international level to promote the free, open and secure Internet. DENIC's 2020 Activity Report is also available for download at the media center.

If you are interested in print copies, please send an e-mail to presse[at]denic[dot]de.